關於生辰八字五行. 生辰八字或說四柱八字,其實是周易術語四柱的另一種說法。四柱是指人出生的時間、即年、月、日、時,在人用天干和地支各出一字相配合分別來表示年、月、日、時,。
Wuxing (Chinese: 五行; pinyin: wǔxíng), usually translated as Five Phases or Five Agents, is a fivefold conceptual scheme used in many traditional Chinese fields of study to explain a wide array of phenomena, including cosmic cycles, the interactions between internal organs, the succession of political regimes, and。 See more
呂洞賓煉丹. 唐朝人呂岩 (或作巖 / 喦 / 嵒) 。字洞賓。天寶十四年四月十四日巳時生。 自號純陽子。考取進士,當江州德化縣長。穿官服出遊時,在廬山遇到鍾離真人(鍾離。
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